Inspire your LIEf

"Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lost in LIEf.

       I cannot help but wonder if things ever get much easier in this LIEf. It seems it should. Lately, I have questioned so many things in life... work, home, my heart.

     There doesn't seem to be an explanation or an inclination as to why things happen, or what may be around the corner.
     I would love to be optimistic and have faith that things happen for a reason, but I am having such a hard time believing that right now. What I am certain about is that things have not worked out as planned... but what is the plan anyway? Is there one... a fate? a destiny? Or like Mr. Gump says; "maybe we are all just floatin' around all accidental like, in the breeze."

I am also certain that all we need is love... Love is all we need. Where do we find this love? Within our friends and family? That would be the obvious answer. Love should be found within ourselves... We should all be focusing on loving ourselves... no, not in the form of narcissism or conceit, but in pride and happiness in our own lives.

Until then, we cannot be loved, or truly love another.

Love in this LIEf is hard to find.
xx Your LIEfer

Sunday, January 23, 2011

LIEfs Uncertainties...

Sometimes, we are SURE that this life isn't all it is cracked up to be... maybe because this LIEf propels us in directions we are so incredibly UNSURE of.

Day in and day out, we strive to live how WE want. However, in many cases, we carry on in a way in which others think we should, simply on the basis of validation and approval. It gets very confusing and rather hazy at times to be able to differentiate between what is truly the right path... or which is a detour mapped out by someone's expectation. The haze only gets thicker.

I have begun to wonder... as corny as it sounds; Who am I and what do I want? Me... What things make me happy. I am sure these are questions we all frequently ask ourselves, but I don't know if we all have clear, detailed answers. Obviously I don't. When do we stop living for other people? Sometimes we have to evaluate the life we live and the choices we make, along with those we surround ourselves with, and decide-- is this what I need? Do I have regrets? Why can't it be as simple as discovering a food allergy. The doctor makes you go "paleolithic", slowly reincorporating certain things back into your diet... suddenly one thing will hit you like a ton of bricks. Bingo. The answer is clear. Life.. not so clear.

The only way for things to become slightly less "LA smogish" is to be spontaneous, live life outside of the Hollywood clubs and happy hours and begin to simply love myself. The good news is, it isn't too late to start a fire under your ass... Let the games begin.
Good luck with your LIEf...

xxYour LIEfer.