I have begun to wonder... as corny as it sounds; Who am I and what do I want? Me... What things make me happy. I am sure these are questions we all frequently ask ourselves, but I don't know if we all have clear, detailed answers. Obviously I don't. When do we stop living for other people? Sometimes we have to evaluate the life we live and the choices we make, along with those we surround ourselves with, and decide-- is this what I need? Do I have regrets? Why can't it be as simple as discovering a food allergy. The doctor makes you go "paleolithic", slowly reincorporating certain things back into your diet... suddenly one thing will hit you like a ton of bricks. Bingo. The answer is clear. Life.. not so clear.

The only way for things to become slightly less "LA smogish" is to be spontaneous, live life outside of the Hollywood clubs and happy hours and begin to simply love myself. The good news is, it isn't too late to start a fire under your ass... Let the games begin.
Good luck with your LIEf...
xxYour LIEfer.