There are some tid-bits I could share, you know, the ones that sound like I'm a dreamer... The Taylor Swift type. How much I love the ocean, rainbows and horses with tinsel in their manes... nah. I have something better. I am going to bring you down... to my level. Shit, if anything, it will make you feel substantially better about your poor unfortunate soul. No, I am not going to shoot you full of rock salt or bury you alive, but bear with me, at times it might feel that way.

My first instinct as an adult, when something gets to hard, RUN. Run like hell. Well, now I live in Los Angeles. So my fellow smart-bloggers, I think its safe to assume, you know I ran from something... or someone. Survival of the fittest is what I like to think of it as... ohhh my lovely LIEf. The denial is putrid and stings, but the good news is, everyone in LA is full of shit. So putr
id as your denial may be, you fit right in.
Congratulations... you have now had an short introduction to my LIEf... lucky you... this is just the beginning.
xx Your LIEfer
Good job, nice play on words. Here's mine LOVE spelled backwards is EVOL = EVIL. I want to read more.