Inspire your LIEf

"Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

Monday, October 11, 2010

Now for the LIEf Ruiner

  When we were “created” (chose whatever theory you would like), we were made to erase extreme pain from our recollection… for instance, if women remembered how bad it hurt to squeeze a watermelon out of something the size of a lemon, we would never procreate. Good thinkin’ on the “mind-erasing” trick, just don’t take the red pill while inside the Matrix. With that being said, I’m assuming the pain associated with child-birth is comparable to that of a bad break-up. We seem to forget all of the horrible things about the relationship itself and focus strictly on the things we will no longer have without the “doucher.” Maybe just maybe if we really dig deep, we can realize that what we will no longer have isn’t necessarily a bad thing. There is always a reason something doesn’t work out… One year later, one would think being smacked around would get old. If being anvil’ed in the head over and over wasn’t enough for old Wiley Coyote, why would I quit and give that brush-dog all the glory?  My relationship with, well let’s just call him Stan, began with a set-up from my dear sister Johanna. What a brilliant, original idea, a relationship established in a bar… anvil #1.

1 comment:

  1. Hey now... It was a run in @ a bar, not a "set up" per-say...and it was ALL Jackson! LOL! My life Ruiner hit me with a John Deere service truck... who is at fault for that!? ;)
